Monday, June 28, 2021

To get the vaccination shot or not??

Have been in a confused state in the last 2 weeks - should I get the vaccination shot or should I not get?? Have read the pros and cons of getting the shot. The effectiveness of them, the side effects, the risk involved in getting them. Whatsapp forwards and discussions going back and forth on the good and bad of the vaccination.

The question is how long can I go without taking it. When we are all asked to get back to office, we will be forced to get the shots. So can I defer it for now. The what-ifs are never ending!!!

I don't want to be forced to get it. I want to make a conscious decision in getting the shots. All the people who got them look at me as if I am being stupid and making a grave mistake. On the other hand, the people who have not yet got it are in the same confused state of mind.

So for now, Iam going to wait and watch on how bad the situation could get and the necessity to get the shot.

I hope Iam making the right decision.

The Vaccination survey

The firm I work in, has been continuously sending in emails about the vaccination outlining the benefits of vaccination. 

After a few weeks, they scheduled vaccination drives and sent in emails urging the associates to use the opportunity to take the vaccine shots for themselves and their dependents. 

After the first two drives, they sent in a survey asking all of us to participate in it. The survey had questions related to the vaccination status of the associates and their dependents. If they did not take it, then their preferred location and date which would help the company in scheduling future vaccination drives.

Well, I thought when the firm was doing so much for us, the least we could do was participate in the survey and give them the information. 

Unfortunately I was not able to submit the survey - the date question was a mandatory one - one should select the date they got their last vaccination or the date they want to get their vaccination shot (if not taken). What if someone chose not to take the vaccine at all. Why did they not have a "NA" option.

The final sentence was what made me stop submitting the survey - allowing the firm to pass on the information to the government when asked for. 

I have seen many such check boxes in many forms that are basically legal clauses to protect the major parties from law suits. And in all those situations I have happily confirmed to them because I had this don't care attitude. I mean what could go wrong.

This one for some reason did not go well with me. And so I refrained myself from checking that tiny checkbox at the end.

After that, there have been multiple email reminders from the HR team asking us to submit. Last friday I decided to see what they would do if someone asks questions and I sent an email to the HR asking them why I should agree to give away my data to the government and why I should select a date.

As with all such emails, there was no reply to this one. Either they are not reading emails in their inbox or they don't know how to respond to me. Will have to wait and see what they are gonna do.