Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Board exams

What happens when a boy or a girl gets good marks or tops the exams in their school. Everyone congratulates them and their parents. I have nothing against it. I had been in that place when I was young. Been there, done that. Cut to the present age, although parents blame the education system for the importance given to the grade or the mark system, they still attribute success to the marks one secures in the exams. Friends, well wishers congratulate their parents and discuss on whose genes was passed on to the child for his intelligence.

Everyone wants their child to be like that boy or girl. Do marks really measure a child's abilities. I can't help think or compare a city born child who comes from a good solid financial background to a child who comes from a remote village living in a family where they don't even have basic necessities of life. Two different children, two different backgrounds. One child born in the city whose parents are doing great financially goes to the best school, good food, expensive clothes, is put in the best tuition classes. The other child born in a family with low income, walks to school everyday, gets basic food, cannot afford to pay for extra classes or training. How can we compare these two students. Isn't this so unfair??

Iam not surprised to hear that the city bred child has done good in his or her exams. Nothing great about it. That does not mean I wouldn't congratulate the child. I would be proud of that child. But if the other child had made it big, then that is real celebration. Am i being cynical here? May be. But the inequality just irritates and angers me.