Monday, May 13, 2019

Without Electricity for 18 hours during Summer in Chennai!!

We are so attuned to the ways of living in the 20th century with all the modern gadgets that not having them functional makes it very difficult to live. Why am I even talking about all this?? Well, it is summer in Chennai. Anyone who has been to Chennai in summer especially in the month of May would know how hot the weather is at that month.

Right at 9.30pm last Saturday night, the electricity in our street went off. That meant no air conditioner. We only had the fans running (thanks to the inverter battery we have at home). I waited for the EB (Electricity Board) people to get it on in two to three hours. Still, nothing happened. I couldn't sleep the whole night. It was so stuffy and hot.

The next day (Sunday morning) we learnt the reason - one of the electric cable lines had caught fire and had burned and the wiremen wisely switched off all the electricity lines in our street.

They worked in the hot sun for hours until they fixed it up and we got the electricity up and running by Sunday evening. We used the ceiling fans wisely since we did not want to use up all the battery charge in our inverter.

I did not want to switch on my phones and laptop since they were running on very low battery charge. We sat in the plastic chairs that we had put up under the trees and read the newspapers to while away time. I was ok in living without electricity for another day except the AC. I just wanted my air conditioner to function. Without that, I can never go to sleep.

My dad was happy since he could finally watch the IPL match last night.

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