Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Is it right to force someone to speak in a forum?

The business unit I belong to had started an event xxxTED a few months back. Some senior leaders from our business unit had talked about various topics in this forum.

Two weeks back, my manager V forwarded an email asking if he can nominate me for the upcoming session. As usual, I was busy with multiple tasks and did not really pay attention to that email. I did really read the full email, just bits and pieces. After a few hours, I had gone to my manager’s cubicle to discuss on some other issue. Post discussion, he started this topic –

V: R, did you look at that email I sent you on that session we want you to take?
Me: Nomination is the easiest part. I need to think of a topic
V: What topic. They have listed the topics people have already spoken. Pick out something that is relevant.

Me: Ok, Give me some time.

V: This is just a 15 min xxxTED talk. There will be someone to coach you the first time

** That is when a light bulb switched on in my great mind. All this while I had assumed that they wanted me to train or take a session for the trainees (college graduates). This is what happens when I don’t read the full email.
Me: Wait, what TED talk? I thought it was for fresh graduates.

Me: V, you really want me to participate in that xxxTED talk. This is a big thing. I really need time to think through this.

V: What do you want to think? You just have to go and speak there. I know you can do it. They will coach you.

Me: V, I can talk. But who will write my speech? I have to first pick a topic, write that entire speech.
The team will not help me with that na. They will only coach me on how to speak.

V: Ok, but they have already asked me to nominate you.

The conversation ended. It has been two weeks and the scheduled date for that event is next week. I have still not talked to my manager hoping he would have forgotten about it. Did not want to remind him. Something tells me he would have already nominated me.
God, I just don’t like it when someone forces me to do something. This is something that people should come forward to do. You should not force someone to do.
Alas, no one will listen to my opinion in this case L L

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