Saturday, June 15, 2019

Connection between methane gas emission, yoga and water shortage

I was watching a regional TV news channel tonight. There was a political debate that was going on about the water shortage in the state and what reforms the state government had taken on this problem.

The panel included 5 people - spokesperson for the state ruling party, state opposition party, the national ruling party and two journalists. The anchor started the debate with a brief introduction on what they wanted to discuss for tonight. The spokesperson from the state ruling and opposition party were each given time to talk and they put forth their own arguments.

After that, the opportunity was given to the nation ruling party spokesperson. Here is what he spoke (tried to do my best of getting closer to the exact words that he spoke) -

National Ruling party SP - See, it has been proven scientifically that cows that give milk release a lot of methane gas. This release of methane gas causes global warming.

Anchor - Ok, do you have proof for this?

National RP SP - You can search in the internet for what I am saying. All of you have smartphones. Why don't you look it up and verify the facts for yourself?

Anchor - Ok, we will all assume that what you are saying is true. We believe in you. What has that got to do with water shortage?

National RP SP - Allow me to speak. You never give me time to speak at all.

Anchor - I do give you time. Please tell us what is the central government going to do about this?

National RP SP - I am trying to get to that point. As I was saying, it has been proven that global warming to a large extent is because of the methane gas that the cows emit. Our PM had given a speech in the United Nations a long time back. When he addressed them he said that pollution is caused due to vehicles. As a developed nation they can take steps to stop this, but we cannot do that in India since we are a developing nation. We cannot stop usage of vehicles. He also talked about the benefits of Yoga. Do you know many countries have accepted the benefits of Yoga?

** At this point, Anchor stopped him since he was talking too much

Anchor - N, what are you trying to say? What has that got to do with not having rains in our state or water shortage problem.

National RP SP - Let me speak. This is a problem with state channels like you. You never give us time to talk. Are you saying that what I am saying is wrong. Yoga is ...

** Anchor stopped him again

Anchor - But N, what are we going to do about the water problem? Why are you talking about irrelevant topics?

National RP SP - K, stop it. Allow me to speak. You cannot interfere in what I talk. Everyone can verify about methane that Iam talking about

Anchor - Not all the viewers will have mobile or internet to verify about the issue with cows producing methane gas.

National RP SP - Then you verify it. It is true and it has been proven.

Anchor - So now cows emitting methane is a problem for water shortage?

National RP SP - Don't talk sarcastically to me.

**The other panels kept quiet, silently watching and wondering what is happening. The opposition party spokesperson started laughing. One of the journalist folded his hands, looked up and then down. He gave out an exasperated sigh.

** Me and my dad couldn't stop laughing. We asked my mom to keep quiet to hear what else stupidity the national ruling party spokesperson was going to say.

** This went on for a few minutes between anchor and RP SP

Finally, anchor could not take it anymore. RP SP was furious and started talking about how bad the anchor is.

Anchor - Iam the anchor of this debate and we need to tell the viewers clearly on what you are saying. Iam not able to understand what point you are trying to make.

National RP SP - You don't understand what I am trying to say.

Anchor - N, are you then saying that Yoga will help in solving our water shortage problems and in getting rain?

Finally, Anchor was so frustrated that he asked for a short commercial break.

Me and my dad continued to laugh. After the break, the discussion continued with the other panels and the show ended.

Where are we heading to? Do these politicians think we are all fools. If I was in that party that guy was from, I would have asked that spokesperson to stop participating in these talk shows in future. He was talking utter nonsense.

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