Sunday, April 28, 2019

Wrong to have different interests

I had been to a two day leadership training program two weeks back that was sponsored by my firm. The trainer tried to do something different. He asked all of us to introduce ourselves. There was one rule - we shouldn't talk about our official role in the organization, designation, projects or customer accounts that we work for. We should say something that no one knew at office.

Well, as expected, many of them could not refrain from talking about their role in detail and about the team they manage. They did manage to add in a few interests like - cricket, music (the usual ones). Of course there were two people who did talk something different.

When it was my turn, I tried to humor the trainer and told him that I read a lot - novels, articles about people's culture, lifestyle - anything that was non technical or not related to business and had started writing as well.

Little did I know that it was not the right thing to say in an official training program no matter what the trainer says. When I had finished the introduction, the trainer looked at me and asked then I was working in a technical firm.

I was surprised and just shrugged. I then realized what happened. If I had told him that I love to read fiction and non fiction novels, am sure he would have asked me who my favorite author was. But when I had told them that I read anything non technical or not related to business, he thought I was not interested in the job.

When will these guyz understand that not everything is tied to work or the job 😏

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